Citizen of India comes in power with Right to Information Act in 12th Oct 2005, when the Government of India has given the right to know the Information what they want from any public authority, but as per as following rules.

RTI  Important

The manual regarding organization, duties and powers of officers and employees etc. prepared on 17 important points of RTI Act section 4, is available with the Office Superintendent in the college office. The copy can be obtained by any person by paying Rs. 2 per page along with formally appellate to the Public Information Officer of the College (Principal).

A person, who desires to obtain any information under RTI Act, shall make a request in writing or through electronic means in English or Hindi, submitting such fee as per rules, to Public Information Officers.
Name, Designation and Telephone Numbers of the Public Information Officer are given below. He can be contacted for any help in this matter.

Public Information Officer-


S.V.Govt. P.G. College, Lohaghat (Uttarakhand)

Phone : +91 5965 234552 

Appellate Authority-


Uttarakhand Higher Education

Nawabi Road, Haldwani (Uttarakhand)